Tuesday, October 4, 2011

HBOT Program Oversight: Exposé Makes Good Points

A weekend report out of suburban Philadelphia neatly summarizes one of the main reasons why HyperbaricLink is in business: to encourage and empower better oversight of hyperbaric oxygen therapy programs, physicians, and medical devices. Read the complete article, "Little oversight of oxygen chambers," on phillyBurbs.com.

UHMS director of quality assurance and regulatory affairs Tom Workman is generously quoted and ably represents the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society's position on these matters. We had this to add on the commentary board:

A fine article, Jo Clavaglia, a real public service. Thank you. We will spare you some minor quibbles about a few factual details. The hyperbaric community is working hard to improve access to safe, expertly staffed and accredited treatment centers for underserved patient populations in serious need of wound care, emergency medicine, and other approved uses. Evidence-based medicine doesn't always follow the FDA label. Highly qualified hyperbaric physicians don't always practice at hospitals. But doctors and others wanting to buy a chamber and open a clinic will find the barriers to entry pretty low. Too low. That's why it's especially important for healthcare consumers and referring physicians to learn more about hyperbaric oxygen therapy before seeking treatment. Your article and sources cited make a fine start.

We have no comment on the September 15 story that prompted this article, about FBI confiscation of equipment and records from the offices of a Bucks County hyperbaric physician. No facts have been released. The investigation continues.

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