Monday, March 8, 2010

The Hurt Locker: Post-Oscar Stress Syndrome

Last night's top honors for The Hurt Locker, a film that successfully embeds the audience with an explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) unit in Iraq, can only help build awareness and support for the real people who have suffered the physical and mental traumas of war. There has been some flak about the movie's authenticity. (See our favorite piece and amazing video explosions here.) But there's no questioning the larger role hyperbaric oxygen therapy might play in soldiers' recovery. In the past couple months we've been following progress in new clinical studies of HBOT for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and new funding for veterans experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We will continue our coverage of this vital topic, with a new condition page for PTSD and the occasional push for a TBI indication.


  1. there is also a funded study for TBI/PTSD (blast induced injuries)in New Orleans. Dr Harch has 5 more funded spots available. or 504 309-4948. We will do an intake screening and if you meet criteria we not only have funding for your treatment but airfare and most expenses also. Results thus far have been very good. Check our website for more details

  2. Thank you for your comment, Juliette. We'll be posting again about your study today or tomorrow. All our best for quick, complete enrollment and a successful trial.
